This model is based up on the learning theory formulated by David Ausbal. His ideas are unique in the sense that while most modern educationalist condemn the method of teacher presentation in the class room. He thought to improve the technique of presentation in such a way as to ensure meaningful learning. He stresses mastery of academic material as an important goal of class room teaching.
In order to explain his ideas he introduces the term meaningful verbal learning. Verbal learning became inferior when it changes to rote learning instead of meaningful learning. How the latter type of learning could be assured. According to him:
1. Organization of knowledge or the curriculum content.
2. Guiding learning in accordance with the principle by which human mind possess new information,
3. Careful application of these principles by the teacher ,at the time of presentation.
To him effective education is one in which teachers are able to convey minimum information in a meaningful manner .this is more so in the higher classes where the teacher play the role of the lecturer.
Few key concept have been explained.
At a given time and with the respect to given subject matter ,cognitive structure refer to a student’s knowledge of that matter with special reference to how much he knows ,how well he knows and how effectively the knowledge is structured . According to him ,how meaningfully a student can learn new material can depends on his cognitive structure .Hence, before new knowledge is presented ,the teacher should ensure the clarity and sufficiency of the existing cognitive structure. It is the absence of this verbal learning degenerate to rote learning.
This is a condition in which connections could be easily be established between the new material to be learnt and the related material that already exist in the cognitive structure . Such a mental set makes the learned ready to receive the new knowledge.
Each discipline has a structure of concept, hierarchically organized. While organizing the knowledge in a cognitive structure ,human mind has the tendency to follow the same hierarchical order .
This include the material presented in advance as introduction to the new materials to be presented. This are so called because they are presented to the learner in advance as the primary means of organizing and strengthening cognitive structure . advance organizer will be border and more abstract in nature than the new task ,but will act as a container for the new ones. This will include in a general way all the new item that are to be learned afresh .The advanced organizer will include item to the cognitive structure of the learner with which a new material can be linked when they are later presented .This can include terms ,concept, facts, propositions , etc.. already familiar to the learner ,and also can be supplemented with illustrations ,analogies etc. Through an organizer will be familiar to the learner ,it need further clarifications and re teaching to ensurethat the new item are meaningfully linked .This is to be linked with the aims of the lesson in mind.
There are two types of advance organizers
(A) Expository : are those in which a general class relationship is exposed with a view to include more specific classes .
(B) Comparative : As the name indicate .those that contain concepts similar to ones to be presented so that familiar relation are established and learning made meaningful.
This is the function of the advanced organizer .An organizer is helpful to subsume the specific concept involved in a broader concept.
Ausubel thinks that the hierarchical order in the processing of information is from the border and more general to the specific once . It is the process of maintaining this gradation by which specific items and gradually presented by one in the hierarchical order that is known as progressive differentiation.
This is the term that explains the conscious effort to relate new items to previously learnt content in such a way as to make the cognitive structure an integrated whole. This would help the learner to adjust with or reconcile with the newness in the learning . This naturally follows progressive differentiation if it is systematically done in relation to the advance organizer .
The aim of the lesson are made clear and then the organizer is presented . The concept etc.. that have to act as the subsume have to be clarified and illustrated . The teacher should ensure the required cognitive structure by discussion ,questioning and feedback.
PHASE II presentation of the learning task or material : Present the minor concept in the order using the principle of progressive differentiation .A variety of tools and techniques can be adopted for this .Use of pictures, aids ,films could be helpful for making learning meaningful.
Phase III : Strengthening cognitive organization , This is done by adopting the principle of integrative reconciliation .By this, the teacher ensure meaningful reception and then reinforces this by a critical approach and further clarificationof the doubts raised by the pupils.
B. SOCIAL SYSTEM : teacher has to control of the intellectual structure . During the first 2 phases it is highly structured ,but during the 3rd phase more free interaction occurs.
C. PRINCIPLE OF REACTION : The teacher reacts to pupil’s reaction by way of giving clarifications ,by differentiating or by helping them to reconciliation with existing knowledge.
D. SUPPORT SYSTEM : Well organized learning material that includes the advanced organizer and a new item to be successively differentiated forms the most important support . Instructional materials can be prepared in advance. An intellectual atmosphere that inspires pupil to aspire for meaning ful learning can also provide support.
Formation of connectional structures and meaningful assimilation of information and ideas are the important instructional effects .
Interest in enquiry and habits of precise thinking are the nurturing effect
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